BAREILLY: With FaceApp challenge taking social media by storm, UP Police has come up with an innovative way to encourage people to follow traffic rules. The police are using various emojis (emoticons) — like displaying a happy face and a sad face with bandage wrapped around the head — with a message — such as ‘how your face looks like, and how it will be looking after an accident if you don’t wear a helmet while riding a two-wheeler’ — to warn people of the consequence of flouting traffic rules and encouraging them to adopt safety measures for their own wellbeing.
The police have shared the “before and after” emojis on their Twitter handle @up100 along with a caption that reads: “Pehle aur baad ke chehre me fark dekhna hai?” #FacehaiAppka #RoadSafety.
Date: November 01, 2019
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