In a road accident in Nagaur’s Ladnun police area, four persons were killed and one injured after two trucks collided with each other on Wednesday morning. After the head-on collision, the heavy vehicles caught fire due to which three persons died on the spot while two others were rescued. Of the two, one succumbed to injuries at the hospital.
Sanjay Gupta, ASP Nagaur said “While one vehicle was carrying soda-lime, the other one was full of wheat grain and they collided head on while coming from the opposite direction. Due to the collision, one of the vehicles caught fire spreading to the other one as well. Due to this all the people inside the vehicles caught trapped inside.”
Fire tenders were called to the spot which was finally subdued after couple of hours.
The collision was so severe that the front cabins of the heavy vehicles were completely crushed and the official said, “The drivers and others were already trapped inside due to collision and could not escape when the vehicles caught fire. While we rescued two persons, one of them also succumbed to the injuries and the other is undergoing treatment at the hospital.”
The identity of the deceased is yet to be ascertained and cops have contacted the owners of the vehicles to get the details. While one truck was from Punjab, the other one was from Rajasthan.
Elaborating on the cause of the accident, the official said, “At present, it is unclear as to what caused the accident but it is possible that both were travelling at high speed. The front cabins of the vehicles were almost enmeshed into each other and we had to call a crane to separate them out.”
The autopsies of the deceased will be done once their families have been informed of the accident.
Source: Times of India
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