Kannada television actor Mebeina Micheal died in a road accident on Tuesday evening. The 22-year-old actor , who gained popularity on the reality show Pyaate Hudugir Halli Life, was on her way to her hometown Madikeri and the accident took place near Devihalli in Karnataka, reports indiatoday.in. Mebeina was travelling with friends when her car rammed into a tractor.
The reality show’s host, actor Akul Balaji, took to Twitter to express his shock. “Shock to hear the sudden demise of one of my favourite contestant and winner of phhl 4 ..mebina,soo young and full of life,can’t digest the fact..my prayers for her family to get over the tragedy,” he wrote.
All the people involved in the accident were taken to a nearby hospital. While Mebeina died because of her injuries, her friends are recovering at the hospital.
Mebeina started her career as a model and gained fame when she was declared as the winner of the season four of Pyaate Hudugir Halli Life.
According to indiatoday.in, a case has been filed at the Belluru police station.
Source: Hindustan Times
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