The Indian Road Safety Campaign and Ministry of Road Transport and Highways with the support of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, National Crime Records Bureau (MHA) and the United Nations for Training and Research is organizing the launch event of iSAFE-The Safer India initiative 2019 on the 7th of September at IIT Delhi.
Motoroids is proud to be a part of this initiative, which has spawned out of the imperative need to make our roads safer as the loss of lives cannot be accepted as the price of mobility. To solve this problem, the Indian Road Safety Campaign has come up with a program which ignites the competitive spirit of the youth to achieve path-breaking changes in the field of road safety. This can be achieved by enabling the youth and providing them with a platform to do, what they like to do and in the process, create a sustainable impact. The program is named iSAFE – The Safer India Challenge. Under this challenge, we get schools and colleges to work on road safety. These students then work throughout the year on road safety as per their expertise.
In India, nearly 17 people lose their lives every hour in road accidents making it the leading cause of death among children and young adults in the age group of 5-29 years. With 356 million young people in the country, India has one of the youngest populations in an ageing world. Unfortunately, we are unable to utilize demographic dividend to its full potential as we are losing our manpower to hapless road accidents. Road Traffic Injuries and deaths cause immense financial hardship and emotional trauma to victims’ families.
Date: September 09, 2019
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