AHMEDABAD: The city witnessed the highest rise among Gujaratcities in road fatalities in 2016 with 16.5% rise whereas Surat ranked second with 11%. Overall, Gujarat recorded a slight fall at -1.1%, mentioned ‘Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India’ report by National Crime Records Bureau(NCRB).
In absolute numbers, the city recorded a fall in road accidents – from 2,022 in 2015 to 1,977 in 2016. The report mentioned that dangerous driving (273) and over-speeding (178) were two primary causes for fatal accidents in the city.
Analysis of the vehicles involved pointed at two-wheelers as the most vulnerable group with 134 fatalities, followed by cars (94) and auto rickshaw (46). Two pedestrians lost their lives on city roads whereas buses — both public and private — were involved in fatal accidents. For the city, the six hours from 6am to 12 noon were found to be most deadly.
City-based experts said that the data is of 2016 and thus cannot provide much of a perspective on the current scenario, but it could be indicative of the future course the city should take.
“Several initiatives such as smart traffic management system and steeper fines have been introduced in the recent past and it should have bearing on the road fatalities. If one observes patterns, the peripheral roads have more chances of crashes due to higher speed limits and traffic of heavy vehicles,” said a city-based road safety expert. “Defensive driving and training of government vehicle drivers could be a way out – something which has been initiated by city-based groups. Driving licence alone cannot ensure safety of citizens.”
Amit Khatri, a city-based road safety expert, said that trucks were found to be involved in 1,565 accidents in the state and 99 accidents in Ahmedabad. “For a truck driver, there are multiple blind spots on the road and the smaller vehicles attempting to overtake should understand that. Improving the three Es of road safety — Engineering, Enforcement and Education — can reduce fatalities on city and state roads,” he said.
Date: November 11, 2019
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