Over 40% of fatal road accidents in the Hyderabad police commissionerate limits in January were ‘self-hit’ (caused by the motorist), establishing that fatalities were due to victims’ negligence. Ironically, all fatalities were of two-wheeler riders or pillion-riders, according to an analysis of the road accidents in the city.
In the first month of 2020, 22 deaths occurred in road accidents in the city, Hyderabad traffic police said. A police team analysed the accidents and found that nine of those deaths were ‘self caused’. “The analysis done by our team indicated that nine of the 22 road accident deaths were self caused as the mishaps occurred due to negligence of the rider. Drunk driving, riding without helmet, speeding and overtaking from the left were the reasons for the nine deaths,” Hyderabad additional commissioner of police Anil Kumar told TOI.
Source: TOI
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