Madurai: Around 40 women students from a city college performed flash mobs on Monday at two major public spots in the city to create awareness about road safety and wearing helmets.
Students from Fatima College’s Department of Journalism and Mass Communication performed flash mobs at Goripalayam junction and outside Madurai Railway Station, carrying the message of wearing helmets and staying safe on roads. “The inspiration for coming up with such an activity started within the college. We noticed that many students didn’t wear helmets properly or they used to wear them only on seeing the police. It is sad to see that many of us, even after being aware of safety rules tend to ignore it. So, we did a program to make students understand the importance of road safety. Then, we had the thought of taking the message directly to the public through such an activity,” said Dr Saira Banu S, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Fatima College.
The performances of the students reminded the public about safe practices to be followed while on road. The need for people on two-wheelers including the pillion riders to wear helmets, the necessity for wearing seat belts and following road safety rules. Dr Saira Banu further said that the students received full support of the local police, including district Commissioner of Police, S Davidson Desirvatham. “The police stressed on the need for such awareness events. Our journalism students not only benefited from organizing the flash mob but also by covering it as budding reporters, talking to the public and police about road safety in the city,” she said.
Source: Times Of India
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