One person was killed after two people on a motorcycle tried to evade officials at a checkpost in Macherial district’s Jannaram mandal in Telangana. The accident, which was caught on a CCTV camera at a forest department checkpost, occurred on Saturday, May 22. In the footage that surfaced, a forest department officer can be seen standing at a checkpost. Seeing the speeding bike heading towards the checkpost, the policeman deployed at the checkpost raises his hand urging the rider to slow down. Despite the officer’s desperate signals, the biker continues to speed towards the checkpost.
By the time the rider reached the checkpost, the cop slightly lifted the barricade at the last moment, hoping to avoid an accident. The rider managed to bend and get through the barricade but the pillion rider’s head rammed into the barricade and he fell off the bike immediately. He succumbed to the head injury on the spot.
The incident reportedly happened in Tapalapur village. The rider was overspeeding in a bid to evade interception by the personnel at the check post. According to a report in Telangana Today, the pillion rider who was killed was a 30-year-old man who was later identified as Sudaveni Venkatesh Goud. The man driving the motorcycle has been identified as Bandi Chandrasekhar, a native of Kotthakummugudem village in Luxettipet mandal.
The CCTV footage that was obtained after the accident was widely shared in WhatsApp groups and social media urging people to maintain restraint while crossing checkposts. Had the cop not raised the gate of the check post, the biker would have rammed into the gate and they would have sustained grievous injuries in the accident.
A case was registered against Chandrasekhar under Section 304A (rash and negligent act leading to death) of the Indian Penal Code after a complaint was received from Malla Goud, the father of the victim.
SOURCE : thenewsminute