Bengaluru city police has set up separate lanes on the right side of Brigade Road to ensure safety of women and children who are visiting MG Road during New Year’s Eve.
Chetan Singh Rathore, (DCP Central Division) said that a dedicated lane with barricades has been put up. “This is not compulsory. Women who want to walk on the other two general lanes are free to do so,” Mr. Rathore said.
“However keeping the safety aspect we have formed the separate lane with additional women police personnel deployed to ensure safety,” he added.
The women police personnel have been directed to keep a watch on mischief mongers and take strict action. Watch towers, police personnel on plain cloth and uniforms are deployed to keep an eye on the trouble makers.
The separate lane plan was mooted in 2017, after many women complained of being molested during New Year celebrations on Brigade Road and MG Road.
Source: The Hindu
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