A day after Rajya Sabha passed the historic Triple Talaq Bill, BJP got the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill passed. The bill seeks to weed out corruption, improve road safety and usher in use of technology to regulate traffic.
- The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill has been passed by Rajya Sabha
- The bill aims to infuse more discipline on roads by tightening rules and increasing penalties
- The bill also provides humane face to people who help road accident victims
India is the world leader in deaths caused by road accidents. This has been Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari’s constant lament for months. But Gadkari’s hope that the country will dump the dubious distinction after amending the 1988 Motor Vehicles Act realised on Wednesday.
The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on July 23. With the Budget Session being extended, the Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill is all set to become a law as it has cleared the Rajya Sabha and now awaits final signatures from the president. The amendment bill brings about a sea change in how Indian roads and vehicular transportation are governed.
The bill aims to infuse more discipline on roads by tightening rules and increasing penalties as well as doing away with redundant regulations. At the same time, it presents a humane face to people who help road accident victims and offers considerable financial protection to them.
Minimum penalty for violation of traffic rules and regulations has been increased from Rs 100 to Rs 500. The maximum penalty has been fixed at Rs 10,000 for a number of offences.
In case of driving a vehicle without holding a licence, the penalty has been increased from Rs 500 to Rs 5,000. Not wearing a seat belt will invite a penalty of Rs 1,000. It was Rs 100 only till now.
For drink and drive cases, the penalty is Rs 10,000 – up from Rs 2,000 under the existing law. For dangerous driving, the penalty is Rs 5,000.
Date: October 12, 2019
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